This year for Thanksgiving we were in Chicago. A great city for shopping but a horrible city to drive in. I'm not saying, but I'm just saying, I paid like a hundred dollars in tolls and had a run in with the law, where we were pulled over not even for speeding! Thankfully we came away from the incident unscathed yet slightly late to the event we were heading to, thankyouverymuch officer Walt. Happily, all this did not put a damper on my black Friday shopping experience.
Open scene: Thursday 11:30 pm, Rain is ruining my hairstyle as I run to the car. Fighting a soar throat I am choking down a Halls cough drop as my Brother George, Blue Chip and I prepare to brave the crowds at midnight in the name of fashion!! We pump up the music to get ourselves stoked to score some great deals...and off we go! Mostly the memories are a blur of wishing I would have left my purse at home (it kept weighing me down) and flash backs of a black Ralph Lauren sweater with elbow patches, I was loving but somehow got left behind. There are happy memories too they are!!
A tribal print tunic, and two snakeskin blouses in different shades.
My, I must have been feeling very fierce as I was shopping. Maybe it's the nature of the day...True story: down the street from where we were shopping someone was stabbed for a $3 waffle iron. Talk about a black Friday fail.

Here is how I will be wearing my snakeskin blouse tomorrow night! Boot cut dark wash jeans and a olive green shawl collar jacket.

Share your black Friday trials and triumphs with me here!