I am obsessed with Hipsters. A whole persona dedicated to being cool, its just too much. I'm intrigued. I want to walk a mile in their converse, see what makes them tick. I'm convinced the general hipster population is highly concentrated in St. Paul. When night falls they swarm to the retro old school hang outs just across the river. For this reason I can frequently be found there trying to track down the elusive hipster by following their tell tale signs. These include....
Mustaches...preferably waxed
Over sized Vintage glasses
skinny jeans
arm bands
carries an i phone
Star tattoos
Places to spot Hipsters...
Bowling Alleys
Thai Restaurants
Coffee shops...but no chains!
laundry mats
The Chatterbox
Smokey music rooms
American Apparel
philosophy section of the book store
There are now many famous hipsters too..
Lourdes, Madonna's Daughter